Statutory Info

Every local-authority-maintained school must publish specific information on its website to comply with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012 and 2016 and other relevant legislation.

This includes;

  1. School contact details
  2. Admission arrangements
  3. Ofsted reports
  4. Exam and assessment results
  5. Performance tables
  6. Curriculum
  7. Behaviour policy
  8. School complaints procedure
  9. Pupil premium
  10. PE and sport premium for primary schools
  11. Special educational needs (SEN) and disability information
  12. Equality objectives
  13. Governors’ information and duties
  14. Charging and remissions policies
  15. Values and ethos
  16. Requests for paper copies

    This information can be found in the following locations on our school website:

    School contact details 'Contact Us' page 
    Admission arrangements  Statutory Info-Admissions
    Ofsted reports Statutory Info-School Performance
    Exam and assessment results Statutory Info-School Performance 
    Performance tables Statutory Info-School Performance 
    Curriculum Curriculum
    Behaviour Policy 

    Statutory Info-Policies

    Our School-Inclusion-Behaviour

    School Complaints Procedure  Statutory Info-Policies
    Pupil Premium Statutory Info-Pupil Premium
    PE and Sport Premium Statutory Info-Primary PE and Sports Premium
    Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability Information Our School-Inclusion-Special Educational Needs
    Equality Objectives Statutory Info-Policies
    Governors information and duties Our School-Our Governors
    Charging and remissions policy Statutory Info-Policies
    Values and ethos Vision and Values 
    Requests for paper copies  Statutory Info-Policies
School Vision

Building foundations for a love of life, a love of learning and a love of one another